Frequently Asked Questions
We supply a written quote for every new document supplied. This quote is based on the number of words, the style of the document and if we need to work on a design brief or a brief has been supplied. A straightforward manuscript with a minimal amount of styling and with design brief supplied will commence at $15 per 1000 words (based on 40,000 words or above) and this will increase for more complex styling and work requiring designing. This quote includes sample pages supplied, revisions to sample pages until approved and supply of first pages. Any further corrections are charged out at an hourly rate.
Things we need to be able to give you an accurate quote
- If possible, supply word document for review
- Total Word count
- Details of any required picture section(s)
- Count of any tables and graphs
- Are there footnotes and or endnotes
- Is an index required?
- Page proofs – will you required PDFs or printed pages, or both?
- Final file format – Print only, Digital only, or both?
- Do you require cover files to be converted for Lightning Source
We will need you to provide your final manuscript / document as a Microsoft Word document. We do prefer if it is provided as a styled document, although this is not necessary. We will also need a detailed design brief or an indication of the design required. Questions we need answered include:
- Type size
- Font choice
- Will running heads be required?
- Design style for chapter opening pages. Will you be requiring a drop cap, illustration or other design elements?
- Are dinkuses used, and if so what is the style?
- Trim size of the final book/document
- Will there be a picture section and if yes how many pages
Once our quote has been approved, the process is as follows:
- Submit your final Word document via email. Larger documents containing images etc can be sent via We Transfer or Dropbox.
- The first stage of the typesetting process is to supply sample pages. These are created using your design brief or we will work with you to create a brief. Where possible all the elements throughout the book will be included in the sample PDFs. Depending on the brief we either send one sample, usually a couple of chapters, or we will submit several for you to look at and compare.
- If changes to the design are required, these are then taken in and the revised sample is sent back to be approved.
- When we have received final approval on the sample the process generally goes like this:
- First pages are created in InDesign
- First pages are checked against Word document
- First pages are emailed as a PDF as either single pages or double page spreads or both
- Printed copies will be supplied if this has been specified in the quote
- You review the first pages and mark up any corrections or changes, either directly into the PDF using tracked comments, or hand written comments added to printed pages.
- Any required changes are made directly into the Indesign file and the Second pages created and returned for review.
- This process continues until the final files are approved.
- When approval has been given, print ready files are created and supplied.
- If a digital file is required this will now be created.
It is the small things in the layout/typesetting that make all the difference to the final outcome. At all stages of the typesetting process, we have a team reviewing the work so that fresh eyes scrutinise and check for the following:
- Work is styled as per the manuscript. The Word document is printed out and checked against a PDF created from the InDesign file.
- Paragraphs run on correctly and are not broken incorrectly
- Paragraph indents are consistently styled and spaced
- Dinkuses are inserted in the correct space and paragraphs are styled consistently before and after
- Hyphenation is correct and there is never two in a row, a page doesn’t end with a hyphen, and it is kept to a minimum
- Widows and orphans (short lines at the end or beginning of a page) are avoided where possible
- Consistent styling throughout for running heads, folios, quotes, points, tables etc
- Endnote and footnote numbering is checked to ensure they are correct, and styled with superscript
- Corrections that are taken in after first pages are checked
This will depend on the size of the document/manuscript and current workload. The date for first pages to be supplied will be clarified at the quoting stage, but generally we ask for a minimum of two weeks.
We can convert documents into both Mobi and Epub files. See full details of our epublishing services. If you have Indesign files that have been created by another party, we are happy to supply a quote to do the digital conversion. Costs for this will vary depending on how the files have been set up.
In most instances our clients arrange for and supply the ISBN, however we can arrange if required.
If required we can supply you with a quote for printing using one of our preferred suppliers.
Low-res positional images can be supplied at the first stages for layout purposes. We will need high-res images before producing final pages. The larger the image file – the better the print quality. Files must be at least 500k. However larger than this is preferred, and in CMYK format. We can convert from RGB to CMYK.