Your Guide on How to Publish a Book in Australia

You have your manuscript in hand, having lovingly crafted it, polished it and dedicated untold hours to finishing it. But as anyone who’s ever written and published a book knows, writing itself is only half the battle – getting published is the step that can be hardest to accomplish. Let’s give you a head start, [...]


15+ surprising statistics about reading and books

Reading plays a significant role in our lives. It’s how we learn, express ourselves, and communicate with others. We’ve accumulated over 15 surprising statistics about reading and books, what our habits are, our reading preferences, and how our before-bed reading session could be extending our lifespan. Let’s get started. Australian reading habits According to [...]


The state of the Australian book market: An update for 2019

We still get a lot of love for our 2016 post on the state of the Australian book market. As we know, technology changes the way we consume books and literature – and rapidly – so it’s time for a brief update. The book market is growing For the fifth year in a row now, [...]


Is ‘The International Day of Happiness’ a great reason to buy a book?

March 20 is the ‘International Day of Happiness’, and until recently I didn’t know there was such a thing. In 2011, the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution that recognised happiness as a ‘fundamental human goal’ and called for ‘a more inclusive, equitable and balanced approach to economic growth that promotes the happiness and well-being of all peoples’. [...]


What is the manuscript submission process?

After months or even years writing and perfecting your manuscript, you feel ready to send it out to the wider world. You may have received great feedback from friends, family and writing colleagues but where to from here? Your first point of contact with the publishing world will be the manuscript submission process. Either to [...]


The state of the Australian book market

As we all know advancements in digital technology have changed the publishing industry forever. We constantly hear that print books are dead but does the current state of the Australian Book Market indicate otherwise? According to Think Australian 2016, published by Books+Published: ‘Books sales edged up in Australia for the second year in a row’. Sales [...]

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